LED strip lights home decor: Decorate home with LED strip lights - Shine Decor

LED strip lights home decor: Decorate home with LED strip lights

We all know there are tons of benefits for LED Lights such as energy saving, long life span, and inexpensive to purchase and install. Each type of LED products has its own functions to meet people’s requirements. When it comes to lighting applying at home decoration, there is no one can be as suitable as LED strip lights. LED strip light can refresh your home with its rich colors and easy installation. Here we are talking about how to use LED strip light to make your home more attractive.


Kitchen Decoration

The kitchen is the second place we spending time with, only after living room and bedroom. It is a good way to make your kitchen attractive by decorating the LED strip light to your kitchen. Below are some locations you can follow to have an application: Cabinet: LED strips can be applied on both under or above cabinet side. Install lights above the cabinet will bring out the color in your wall and the indirect light could be smooth so that it has been preferred by the professional kitchen lighting designer. Install lights underneath of cabinet can be applied as a task light devices.

Kitchen Decoration


Dining room 

The dining room is an essential point for any home. people spend lots of time here to gather so that takes some considerations for dining room decoration. The common installation is applied strip light at both the dining table underneath or counter surface to add a special flair to your decoration. Don’t limit your imagination to the regular place, you can apply it to any place you thought it is worth to do, such as decorate it at table, chair, or ceiling cover.


Dining room LED strip lights home decor


Bedroom and living room

Color changing LED strip light been used around to your make up mirror could enhance the spotlight effect. Or choose RGB color strip light to install it behind the TV, the backlighting your TV screen is a great way to add the overall style of your room. You may find eye strain when watching TV in the dark. Install LED strip light to the TV back will increase the illusion of depth and decreasing eye strain. Besides, adding an LED light strip at drawers, wardrobe, and closet to add extra shine can improve your room with an elegant appearance. 

Bedroom and living room LED strip lights home decor
Bedroom and living room
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